Göteborg 8–10 oktober 2024

Innovativ medicinteknik - verktyget för omställning av vård och omsorg



Göteborg 8–10 oktober 2024

Innovativ medicinteknik - verktyget för omställning av vård och omsorg



Göteborg 8–10 oktober 2024

Innovativ medicinteknik - verktyget för omställning av vård och omsorg


Göteborg 8–10 oktober 2024

Innovativ medicinteknik - verktyget för omställning av vård och omsorg


Innovation Pipeline: Concept to Market the Scottish Experience

The innovation landscape is often described as cluttered and route to market for innovators is challenging. Prof Lowe will describe Scotland’s approach to supporting innovation to respond to the challenges that healthcare systems face across the world. Success requires building evidence for decision makers from investment through VC and grants, regulatory approval and finally adoption. True triple helix working between academic, health system and industry streamlines the process ensuring companies build products that respond to need and can transform care though the accelerate national innovation adoption pathway.

David Lowe, Professor, NHS Scotland 

Professor David J Lowe is Clinical Director Innovation University of Glasgow,  Emergency Consultant at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow and Clinical Lead for Health Innovation for Scottish Government. David has significant experience of creating the infrastructure and conditions to develop innovative devices, services and solutions with a range of industry and academic partners both UK and worldwide. He is clinical lead for a number of projects within the Digital Health Validation Lab and previously iCAIRD including ensemble based AI techniques for COVID, osteoporosis as well as supporting evaluation and development of AI solutions across a range of imaging modalities. He leads on range of projects including trauma for the STN (thetraumaapp), Dynamic COPD ( and OPERA(early diagnostic heart failure utilising AI). Such projects focus on developing AI/ML clinical decision support by embedding a data driven approach combined with patient co-management into clinical care pathways. David also established the EmQuire research group focusing on data, device and decisions within Emergency Medicine.

3D-printed metallic bone – leveraging key aspects of additive manufacturing for sustainable implant solutions

Additive manufacturing (AM), or 3D-printing, has revolutionized the way we think about component design, and has also opened up new pathways for creating new material combinations and structures, with less material waste. In the field of biomaterials, it has been used to create patient-specific implant geometries and to design structures with pore sizes and shapes tailored to achieve a certain biological response, for e.g. bone regeneration. However, to achieve a full bone regeneration, a full degradation of the implant material is needed. Here, Mg alloys have emerged as promising materials to replace bone tissue. However, due to their high reactivity and tendency to evaporate at relatively low temperatures, additive manufacturing of these alloys is challenging. Here, I discuss what we have learned on the connection between process parameters and microstructure development for laser beam powder bed fusion of Mg alloys.

Cecilia Persson, Professor Biomedical Engineering, Uppsala university

​Cecilia is an internationally recognized researcher in biomaterials science who combines theory, experiments, and technology development. She has several patents and has founded a start-up company based on the results of her research. She has also had several assignments of trust, such as Dean of Engineering at Uppsala University, Panel member at VR and is member of the national University Representative Group of the Wallenberg-funded WISE Program for Sustainable Materials Science. She is also the former President of the Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials (2019-2023)​

Cecilia is Director of VINNOVA Competence Centre AM4Life, Additive Manufacturing for the Life Sciences, and focuses a lot of her research on the development of new degradable biomaterials for and through 3D-printing.​


Vid frågor om programmet
Annette Lövefors Daun
Ordförande organisationskommittén

Henrik Mindedal
Ordförande programkommittén
Vid frågor om anmälan
Reed & Mackay (Resia Kongress har bytt namn till Reed & Mackay)
Tel: 018-18 35 35 (Telefontid tisdag - torsdag kl. 9.00 - 12.00)


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